Myth Buster

Myth: You can tell if anything is added to marijuana.

Truth: No! Chemicals can be added to marijuana leaves without the user knowing it. It can be laced with lead, heavy metals, fungus, PCP, Heroin, embalming fluid, laundry detergent, LSD, meth, cocaine or fentanyl to name a few.  Aside from that, plants are regularly sprayed with pesticides and fungicides that growers are not legally required to report.  You could be taking a huge risk and you would never know it until it’s too late.

Myth: Drinking helps a person relax and so helps with anxiety.

Truth: Alcohol in fact makes anxiety worse and here is why. Alcohol is a depressant and so initially may help a person feel calm and relaxed which it does by changing levels of serotonin and neurotransmitters in the body but once the relaxed feeling and the effect of alcohol wears off, the anxiety can come back worse than before.

Myth: You have to use drugs for a long time before they can really hurt you.

Truth: Drugs can cause the brain to send the wrong signals to the body. This can make a person stop breathing, have a heart attack or go into a coma. This can happen the first time the drug is used.

Myth: If you have a high alcohol tolerance, you don’t have a drinking problem.

Truth: If you feel nothing after several drinks, you DO have a problem.

A casual drinker wouldn’t be able to finish a couple of six-packs – and if they did, they’d feel very sick. If you’re drinking this much and not feeling any effects,

it’s time to seek help.

Myth: All Fentanyl is the same.

Truth: Legal and illicit fentanyl are two very different things. One is a legal, FDA-approved medication. It’s prescribed in the form of patches, pills, or administered before surgery.

Illicit fentanyl is very different. It’s made in illegal labs and often sold as heroin. Because fentanyl is 30 to 50 times more potent than heroin, it’s very easy for people who use drugs to overdose. Imagine going to a bar and ordering a shot of vodka only to receive a shot of rubbing alcohol.

The vast majority of fentanyl deaths are attributed to illegally manufactured fentanyl, not the kind you get at the hospital before surgery.

Myth: You can tell if anything is added to marijuana

Truth: No! Chemicals can be added to marijuana leaves without the user knowing it. It can be laced with lead, heavy metals, fungus, PCP, Heroin, embalming fluid, laundry detergent, LSD, meth, cocaine or fentanyl to name a few.  Aside from that, plants are regularly sprayed with pesticides and fungicides that growers are not legally required to report.  You could be taking a huge risk and you would never know it until it’s too late.


Myth: Sniffing glue gives an instant rush. There isn’t time for it to hurt you.

Truth: Inhalants enter the blood and go through the body in seconds. Sniffing larger amounts can cause a heart attack or death from suffocation because inhalants replace oxygen in the lungs.

Myth: Alcohol isn’t as harmful as other drugs.

Truth: Alcohol increases your risk for many deadly diseases, such as cancer. Drinking too much alcohol too quickly can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill you. I can sober up quickly if I take a cold shower or drink coffee.

On average, it takes 2-3 hours for a single drink to leave the body and nothing can speed it up including drinking coffee, walking it off or taking a cold shower!

Myth: Medical marijuana will help lower prescription drug abuse.

Truth: A groundbreaking new study from the Journal of Addiction Medicine finds that medical marijuana users are more likely to use prescription drugs both medically and non-medically.


Myth: Marijuana is not addictive.

Truth: More young people are in treatment for marijuana abuse or dependence that for the use of alcohol and all other drugs.